DG 23-067
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty
Request for Change in Distribution Rates
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Click here to go to Comments Page
1 |
06/26/23 |
Notice of Intent to File Cover LetterNotice |
Michael J. Sheehan |
2 |
06/27/23 |
3 |
07/26/23 |
Donald M. Kreis |
4 |
07/27/23 |
Petition for Permanent and Temporary Rates Filing and Request for Waiver of the Requirement to File Proposed Clean and Redlined Tariff Pages Cover LetterPetition Motion for Protective Treatment Proposed Customer Statement Rate Case Filing Requirements Pursuant to Puc 1604 Testimony of Neil Proudman Testimony of Tyler J. Culbertson and C. Drew Cayton - Temporary Attachments-T. Culbertson and C. Cayton-Temporary Testimony of Tyler J. Culbertson and C. Drew Cayton - Permanent Attachments-T. Culbertson and C. Cayton-Permanent Testimony of Tracey A. Musto and Bradford R. Marx Attachments of T. Musto and B. Marx Testimony of Lauren A. Preston Attachments-L. Preston Testimony of Tyler J. Culbertson Attachments-T. Culbertson Testimony of Jacob Drouse, Morgan MacGregor and Heather M. Tebbetts Attachments-J. Drouse, M. MacGregor and H. Tebbetts Testimony of Shawn Eck Testimony of Albert W. Bremser Attachments-A. Bremser Testimony of C. Drew Cayton Attachments-C. Cayton Testimony of Kenneth A. Sosnick Attachments-K. Sosnick Testimony of Ann E. Bulkley and Christopher M. Wall Proposed Tariff Pages Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
5 |
08/18/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
Molly M. Lynch |
6 |
08/25/23 |
7 |
08/25/23 |
8 |
08/30/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Change |
Molly M. Lynch |
9 |
08/31/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Affidavit of Publication |
Michael J. Sheehan |
10 |
09/08/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Change |
Molly M. Lynch |
11 |
09/11/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Motion for Confidential Treatment and DOE Data Request 1-1 Response Cover LetterMotion Data Request Response Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
12 |
09/14/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Executive Summary Cover LetterSummary |
Michael J. Sheehan |
13 |
09/19/23 |
Donald M. Kreis |
14 |
09/20/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
15 |
09/21/23 |
16 |
09/26/23 |
17 |
09/26/23 |
Paul B. Dexter |
18 |
09/26/23 |
Michael J. Sheehan |
19 |
09/27/23 |
Michael J. Crouse |
20 |
09/27/23 |
21 |
09/27/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
22 |
09/28/23 |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
23 |
09/28/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Joint Proposed Procedural Schedule |
Molly M. Lynch |
24 |
09/29/23 |
25 |
10/05/23 |
Michael J. Sheehan |
26 |
10/09/23 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
27 |
10/16/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Rate Schedule Cover LetterRevised Rate Schedule |
Michael J. Sheehan |
28 |
10/19/23 |
29 |
10/20/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
30 |
10/20/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Testimony of Faisal Deen Arif Cover LetterTestimony of Faisal Deen Arif |
Molly M. Lynch |
31 |
10/24/23 |
Donald M. Kreis |
32 |
10/24/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Status Update |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
33 |
10/26/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Request for Remote Participation |
Michael J. Sheehan |
34 |
10/26/23 |
35 |
10/27/23 |
36 |
10/30/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Exhibit 3 and Filing of Exhibit 5 and Exhibit 6 Cover LetterRevised Exhibit 3 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Marked as Exhibits 3, 5, and 6 at 10/27/23 Hearing |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
37 |
10/30/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Estimated Rate Case Expenses Report Cover LetterReport |
Alyssa E. Maston |
38 |
10/31/23 |
Order No. 26,899 Fixing, Determining, and Prescribing Temporary Rates |
39 |
11/09/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Temporary Rate Schedules Cover LetterAttachment |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
40 |
11/15/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Compliance Tariff Filing Cover LetterTariff Pages RPC 59th rev pg 1, 7th rev pg 2, 55th rev pg 3, 53rd rev pg 4, 3rd rev pg 5, 4th rev pg 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 5th rev pg 73, 4th rev pg 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 30th rev pg 87, 32nd rev pg 88, 30th rev pg 89 |
James M. King |
41 |
11/20/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Compliance Tariff Filing Cover LetterTariff Pages 59th rev pg 1 |
James M. King |
42 |
11/27/23 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
43 |
11/27/23 |
Donald M. Kreis |
44 |
11/30/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Motion for Rehearing Cover LetterMotion |
Molly M. Lynch |
45 |
12/01/23 |
OCA Response to New Hampshire Department of Energy Motion for Rehearing |
Michael J. Crouse |
46 |
12/07/23 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Opposition to New Hampshire Department of Energy Motion for Rehearing Cover LetterOpposition |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
47 |
12/12/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Change |
Molly M. Lynch |
48 |
12/21/23 |
Letter of Provisional Compliance 59th rev pg 1; 7th rev pg 2; 55th rev pg 3; 53rd rev pg 4; 3rd rev pg 5; 4th rev, pgs 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71; 5th rev pg 73; 4th rev pgs 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85; 30th rev pg 87; 32nd rev pg 88; 30th rev pg 89 |
49 |
12/29/23 |
Order No. 26,923 Granting Motion for Rehearing by the New Hampshire Department of Energy |
50 |
01/08/24 |
51 |
01/10/24 |
52 |
01/22/24 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
53 |
01/23/24 |
Michael J. Crouse |
54 |
01/23/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Initial Brief Cover LetterBrief |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
55 |
01/29/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Rate Case Expense Report Cover LetterReport |
Alyssa E. Maston |
56 |
01/30/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Response to the Briefs Filed Regarding Temporary Rates |
Molly M. Lynch |
57 |
01/30/24 |
OCA Response to Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Brief |
Michael J. Crouse |
58 |
01/30/24 |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
59 |
02/05/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Motion for Stay of Proceeding Cover LetterMotion |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
60 |
02/12/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Partial Objection and Partial Assent to Liberty Utilities Motion for Stay of Proceeding Cover LetterMotion Attachment |
Molly M. Lynch |
61 |
02/16/24 |
Michelle Azulay |
62 |
02/16/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Motion to Dismiss Rate Proceeding Cover LetterMotion Attachments |
Molly M. Lynch |
63 |
02/20/24 |
Molly M. Lynch |
64 |
02/20/24 |
OCA Letter Objecting to Request for Extension of Filing Deadline |
Donald M. Kreis |
65 |
02/21/24 |
OCA Testimony of John Defever, Marc Vatter and Aaron L. Rothschild Testimony of John DefeverAttachment - J. Defever Testimony of Marc Vatter Attachment - M. Vatter Testimony of Aaron L. Rothschild Attachments - A. Rothschild |
Donald M. Kreis |
66 |
02/26/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Objection to Motion to Dismiss Rate Filing by the Department of Energy Cover LetterObjection Attachments |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
67 |
02/27/24 |
68 |
03/01/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Data Requests Sent to OCA Cover LetterData Requests |
Michael J. Sheehan |
69 |
03/06/24 |
70 |
03/08/24 |
Michael J. Sheehan and Jessica Buno Ralston |
71 |
03/08/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Record Request Response No. 1 RequestAttachments |
Alyssa Maston |
72 |
03/12/24 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
73 |
03/12/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Record Request Response No. 2 Cover LetterRequest Attachments |
Paul B. Dexter |
74 |
03/14/24 |
75 |
03/21/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised PricewaterhouseCoopers Scope of Work Cover LetterRevised Engagement Letter |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
76 |
03/22/24 |
Paul B. Dexter |
77 |
04/02/24 |
78 |
04/02/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Request for Service List Change |
Michelle Azulay |
79 |
04/17/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Scoping Documents, Motion for Confidential Treatment of PwC Engagement Letter, and Proposed Procedural Schedule Cover LetterMotion for Confidential Treatment PwC Engagement Letter Scope of Work Detailed Description of Work Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
80 |
04/18/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Response to Liberty's Proposed Scope for Consulting Project Attachment |
Paul B. Dexter |
81 |
04/22/24 |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
82 |
04/29/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Estimated Rate Case Expenses Cover LetterRate Case Expenses |
Alyssa E. Maston |
83 |
05/07/24 |
84 |
06/04/24 |
85 |
06/04/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Letter Regarding Audit Costs and Confirmation of Waiver Cover LetterWaiver |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
86 |
06/10/24 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
87 |
07/29/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Estimated Rate Case Expenses Cover LetterRate Case Expenses |
Alyssa E. Maston |
88 |
08/02/24 |
89 |
08/16/24 |
Paul B. Dexter |
90 |
09/03/24 |
Procedural Order Re: Department of Energy Settlement Status Update |
91 |
09/10/24 |
Paul B. Dexter |
92 |
10/10/24 |
93 |
10/28/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Estimated Rate Case Expenses Cover LetterEstimated Rate Case Expenses |
Alyssa E. Maston |
94 |
11/15/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Request to Extend Stay |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
95 |
11/20/24 |
96 |
01/21/25 |
Donald M. Kreis |
97 |
01/23/25 |
98 |
01/27/25 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Estimated Rate Case Expenses Cover LetterEstimated Rate Case Expenses |
Robert Garcia |
NO. |
10/27/23 |
1 |
Testimony of Tyler J. Culbertson and C. Drew Cayton with Attachments Dated July 27, 2023 |
10/27/23 |
2 |
10/30/23 |
3 |
10/27/23 |
4 |
10/30/23 |
5 |
10/30/23 |
6 |
Temporary Rate Calculations Submitted in Docket DG 20-105 in Response to Staff Data Request 1-2 |
Pub |
08/28/23 |
08/28/23 |
08/28/23 |
08/29/23 |
08/29/23 |
08/29/23 |
08/30/23 |
08/30/23 |
08/31/23 |
08/31/23 |
09/01/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/05/23 |
09/06/23 |
09/06/23 |
09/07/23 |
09/07/23 |
09/18/23 |
09/18/23 |