DE 23-004
Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy
Proposed Purchase of Receivables Program
Click here to go to Exhibits Page
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01/10/23 |
Eversource Energy Proposed Purchase of Receivables Program Cover LetterDirect Testimony of Brendan J. O'Brien Attachment B. O'Brien |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
2 |
01/11/23 |
3 |
01/20/23 |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
4 |
02/02/23 |
Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Prehearing Conference |
5 |
02/02/23 |
6 |
02/06/23 |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
7 |
02/23/23 |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
8 |
02/23/23 |
Eversource Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
David K. Wiesner |
9 |
03/01/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
Alexandra K. Ladwig |
10 |
03/10/23 |
NRG Retail Companies Petition to Intervene Cover LetterPetition |
Joey Lee Miranda |
11 |
03/15/23 |
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire Petition to Intervene Cover LetterPetition |
Clifton C. Below |
12 |
03/21/23 |
13 |
04/04/23 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
14 |
04/05/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Proposed Procedural Schedule |
Alexandra K. Ladwig |
15 |
04/10/23 |
16 |
05/15/23 |
Eversource Energy Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule Cover LetterMotion |
David K. Wiesner |
17 |
05/16/23 |
18 |
06/16/23 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Technical Statement of Amanda O. Noonan, Elizabeth R. Nixon, and Scott T. Balise Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachment |
Alexandra K. Ladwig |
19 |
06/16/23 |
NRG Retail Companies Comments Cover LetterComments Attachments |
Joey Lee Miranda |
20 |
06/16/23 |
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire Testimony of Clifton C. Below Cover LetterTestimony of Clifton C. Below Attachment - C. Below |
Clifton C. Below |
21 |
07/18/23 |
Eversource Energy Status Update Report and Request for Modifications to Procedural Schedule |
David K. Wiesner |
22 |
07/20/23 |
23 |
08/07/23 |
Eversource Energy Request for Additional Modifications to Procedural Schedule |
David K. Wiesner |
24 |
08/09/23 |
Procedural Order Re: Request for Additional Modifications to Procedural Schedule |
25 |
09/01/23 |
Procedural Order Re: Hearing Allotment and Designation of Examiner |
26 |
09/06/23 |
Eversource Energy Joint Request for Extension of Settlement Agreement Filing Deadline |
David K. Wiesner |
27 |
09/07/23 |
Clifton C. Below |
28 |
09/07/23 |
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09/13/23 |
Eversource Energy Settlement Agreement Cover LetterSettlement Agreement Attachments |
David K. Wiesner, Alexandra K. Ladwig, Clifton Below and Joey Lee Miranda |
30 |
09/13/23 |
David K. Wiesner |
31 |
09/20/23 |
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10/02/23 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
33 |
11/07/23 |
Eversource Energy Request for Approval of Settlement Agreement |
David K. Wiesner |
34 |
12/22/23 |
35 |
12/22/23 |
36 |
12/27/23 |
David K. Wiesner |
37 |
12/29/23 |
38 |
01/12/24 |
NRG Retail Companies Exceptions to Examiners' Report and Recommended Order Cover LetterExceptions to Examiners' Report and Recommended Order |
Joey Lee Miranda |
39 |
01/12/24 |
Eversource Energy Comments on and Exceptions to Hearings Examiner's Report and Recommendation Cover LetterComments |
David K. Wiesner |
40 |
01/12/24 |
Clifton C. Below |
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01/17/24 |
David K. Wiesner |
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08/22/24 |
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08/29/24 |
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08/30/24 |
David K. Wiesner |
45 |
09/23/24 |
Eversource Energy Technical Statement of Brendan J. O'Brien, Scott R. Anderson, and Daryush Donyavi Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachments |
David K. Wiesner |
46 |
10/08/24 |
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire Position Regarding Eversource's Proposed Revisions to its ESSMA & Tariff |
Clifton C. Below |
47 |
10/08/24 |
Alexandra K. Ladwig |
48 |
10/08/24 |
NRG Retail Companies' Comments Re Supplier Terms and Conditions and Supplier Service Master Agreement Cover LetterComments |
Joey Lee Miranda |
49 |
10/16/24 |
David K. Wiesner |
50 |
10/16/24 |
Suzanne Fumarola |
51 |
10/16/24 |
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11/22/24 |
Eversource Energy Status Update and Request to Schedule Hearings |
David K. Wiesner |
53 |
11/26/24 |
Procedural Order Re: Filing Deadline and Second Phase Hearing Date |
54 |
12/16/24 |
Eversource Energy Revised POR Phase 2 Filing Cover LetterMaster Agreement Revised Tariff |
David K. Wiesner |
55 |
01/22/25 |
Suzanne Fumarola |
NO. |
09/20/23 |
1 |
09/20/23 |
2 |
Technical Statement of Amanda Noonan, Elizabeth Nixon, and Scott Balise with Supporting Attachments |
09/20/23 |
3 |
09/20/23 |
4 |
09/20/23 |
5 |