DG 24-106
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty
Winter 2024-2025 and Summer 2025 Cost of Gas
Click here to go to Exhibits Page
1 |
10/02/24 |
2 |
08/26/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
3 |
08/27/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
4 |
09/03/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Winter 2024-2025 and Summer 2025 Cost of Gas filing Cover LetterTestimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Table of Contents Off Peak Summary Attachments-off peak Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield Table of Contents Peak Summary Attachments-peak Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
5 |
09/04/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
6 |
09/11/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Change |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
7 |
09/12/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Proposed Procedural Schedule Changes |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
8 |
09/27/24 |
9 |
10/03/24 |
Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Hearing |
10 |
10/03/24 |
11 |
10/08/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Affidavit of Publication |
Michael J. Sheehan |
12 |
10/11/24 |
OCA Technical Statement of Marc H. Vatter Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachment |
Michael J. Crouse |
13 |
10/14/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Statement of Ashraful Alam and Bruce L. Blair Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachment A Attachment B |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
14 |
10/16/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Updated Winter 2024-2025 and Summer 2025 Cost of Gas Filing Cover LetterUpdated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Updated Attachments-R. Garcia and A. Maston Updated Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield Updated Attachments-J. Tilbury, K. Esposito and M. Summerfield Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
15 |
10/17/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
16 |
10/18/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Second Updated Winter 2024-2025 and Summer 2025 Cost of Gas Filing Cover LetterSecond Updated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Second Updated Attachments-R. Garcia and A. Maston Second Updated Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield Second Updated Attachments-J. Tilbury, K. Esposito and M. Summerfield Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
17 |
10/21/24 |
Procedural Order Re: Granting DOE Request to Limit Scope of October 24 Hearing |
18 |
10/21/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
19 |
10/23/24 |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
20 |
10/24/24 |
21 |
10/28/24 |
Order No. 27,069 Provisionally Approving Liberty's Proposed Winter 2024/2025 Cost of Gas Rates |
22 |
10/30/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Letter Concerning Order Errors |
Michael J. Sheehan |
23 |
10/30/24 |
Revised Order No. 27,069 and Errata Pages 3, 5 and 6 Revised OrderErrata Page See Tab 21 for Original Order |
24 |
10/31/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Compliance Tariff Cover LetterTariff Pages 73rd rev pg 1, 68th rev pg 3, 66th rev pg 4, 4th rev pg 5, 38th rev pg 87, 38th rev pg 89, 4th rev pg 94, 19th rev pg 95, 4th rev pg 96, 98, 153 and 154 |
Alyssa E. Maston |
25 |
11/04/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Proposed Procedural Schedule |
Michael J. Sheehan |
26 |
11/05/24 |
27 |
11/12/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Revised Proposed Procedural Schedule |
Michael J. Sheehan |
28 |
11/13/24 |
Steven E. Patnaude |
29 |
11/19/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Notice of Appearance Cover LetterNotice of Appearance |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
30 |
11/20/24 |
31 |
11/21/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty December 2024 Monthly Cost of Gas Adjustment Cover LetterTariff Pages 74th rev pg 1, 69th rev pg 3, 67th rev pg 4, 39th rev pg 87, 89, 20th rev pg 95 Confidential Material in Commission File |
Alyssa E. Maston |
32 |
11/26/24 |
33 |
11/27/24 |
34 |
12/03/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
35 |
12/03/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Assented-to Request to Cancel December 10 Hearing and Technical Statement of Ashraful Alam and Bruce L. Blair Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachments |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
36 |
12/05/24 |
37 |
12/20/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty January Cost of Gas Cover LetterTariff Pages 76th rev pg 1, 71st rev pg 3, 69th rev pg 4, 41st rev pg 87, 89, 21st rev pg 95 Confidential Material in Commission File |
Alyssa E. Maston |
38 |
12/31/24 |
39 |
01/13/25 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Changes |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
40 |
01/21/25 |
Donald M. Kreis |
41 |
01/24/25 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty February Cost of Gas Report and Tariff Pages Cover LetterTariff Pages 77th rev pg 1, 72nd rev pg 3, 70th rev pg 4, 42nd rev pg 87, 89, 22nd rev pg 95 |
Adam R.M. Yusuf |
42 |
01/31/25 |
NO. |
10/24/24 |
1 |
CONFIDENTIAL Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston with Attachments, and Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield with Attachment |
10/24/24 |
2 |
10/24/24 |
3 |
CONFIDENTIAL Updated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston with Attachments, and Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield with Attachments |
10/24/24 |
4 |
10/24/24 |
5 |
10/24/24 |
6 |
Technical Statement of Ashraful Alam and Bruce L. Blair with Attachments |
10/24/24 |
7 |
CONFIDENTIAL NHDOE Final Audit Report on DG 22-045 2023 Summer Period Cost of Gas Reconciliation Dated March 13, 2024 |
10/24/24 |
8 |
10/24/24 |
9 |
10/24/24 |
10 |
CONFIDENTIAL Second Updated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston with Attachments, and Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield with Attachments |
10/24/24 |
11 |
10/24/24 |
12 |
Updated Selected Tables from DOE Technical Statement in Light of Company 10-16-24 Error |