DG 24-098
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty
2025 - 2026 Local Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
1 |
08/20/24 |
2025 - 2026 Local Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing Cover LetterTestimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Testimony of Luke W. Sanborn Table of Schedules Schedules Proposed Tariff Changes Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
2 |
08/22/24 |
3 |
08/26/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
4 |
08/27/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
5 |
09/03/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Winter 2024-2025 and Summer 2025 Cost of Gas filing Cover LetterTestimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Table of Contents Off Peak Summary Attachments - R. Garcia and A. Maston Testimony of Joshua J. Tilbury, Kelly A. Esposito and Mark J. Summerfield Table of Contents Peak Summary Attachments - J. Tilbury, K. Esposito and M. Summerfield Confidential Material in Commission File |
Michael J. Sheehan |
6 |
09/04/24 |
Doanld M. Kreis |
7 |
09/11/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Request for Service List Change |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
8 |
09/12/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Proposed Procedural Schedule Changes |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
9 |
09/27/24 |
10 |
10/02/24 |
11 |
10/03/24 |
Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Hearing |
12 |
10/03/24 |
13 |
10/08/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Affidavit of Publication |
Michael J. Sheehan |
14 |
11/18/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Assented-To Request to Amended Procedural Schedule |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
15 |
11/20/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Updated 2025-2026 Local Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing and Request for Waiver of PUC 1603.05 Requirements Cover LetterUpdated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston Testimony of Luke W. Sanborn Table of Schedules Schedules Attachments Redlined Updated Testimony of Robert Garcia and Alyssa E. Maston |
Michael J. Sheehan |
16 |
11/25/24 |
17 |
12/04/24 |
18 |
12/20/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Technical Statement of Ashraful Alam and Bruce L. Blair Cover LetterTechnical Statement Attachments |
Mary E. Schwarzer |
19 |
01/09/25 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Michael J. Sheehan |
20 |
01/21/25 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Joint Witness and Exhibits List |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
21 |
01/21/25 |
Doanld M. Kreis |
22 |
01/31/25 |
23 |
02/03/24 |
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Compliance Tariff Filing Cover LetterTariff Pages 78th rev pg 1, 73rd rev pg 3, 71st rev pg 4, 43rd rev pg 87, 49th rev pg 88, 43rd rev pg 89, 4th rev pg 99, 4th rev pg 100, 14 th rev pg 101 |
Adam R.M. Yusuf |
NO. |