DE 24-073
Office of the Consumer Advocate
Show Cause Proceeding
1 |
05/10/24 |
Michael J. Crouse |
2 |
05/13/24 |
3 |
06/18/24 |
Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Hearing |
4 |
06/18/24 |
5 |
06/24/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change |
Marie-Helene Bailinson-Georges |
6 |
06/28/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
7 |
08/08/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Assented-to Motion for Remote Participation, Notice of Appearance and Request for Service List Change Cover LetterMotion |
Michael J. Sheehan |
8 |
08/12/24 |
Procedural Order Re: Liberty's Motion for Remote Participation |
9 |
08/13/24 |
Paul B. Dexter |
10 |
08/27/24 |
11 |
08/28/24 |
12 |
08/30/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
13 |
09/09/24 |
Nancy J. Theroux |
14 |
09/10/24 |
OCA Letter Regarding Transcript of Hearing Attachment |
Donald M. Kreis |
15 |
10/22/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Brief BriefTable of Attachments Attachments |
Michael J. Sheehan |
16 |
10/22/24 |
Michael J. Crouse |
17 |
10/22/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Initial Brief Cover LetterBrief |
Paul B. Dexter |
18 |
11/01/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Motion for Revised Process and Notice of Appearance Cover LetterMotion Notice of Appearance |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
19 |
11/04/24 |
20 |
11/06/24 |
Michael J. Crouse |
21 |
11/12/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy response to Liberty's Motion for Revised Process Cover LetterResponse |
Paul B. Dexter |
22 |
11/18/24 |
23 |
12/13/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Letter Relative to Submission of Additional Testimony |
Marie-Helene Bailinson-Georges |
24 |
12/13/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Testimony of Jeffrey Faber and Heather Green Cover LetterTestimony of Jeffrey Faber and Heather Green |
Michael J. Sheehan |
25 |
12/18/24 |
Michael J. Crouse |
26 |
12/26/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp., d/b/a Liberty Opposition to the Office of the Consumer Advocate's Motion for Reconsideration Cover LetterOpposition |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
27 |
12/27/24 |
Donald M. Kreis |
28 |
12/27/24 |
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Reply Brief in Support of Dismissing Proceeding Cover LetterReply Brief |
Jessica Buno Ralston |
29 |
12/27/24 |
New Hampshire Department of Energy Reply Brief Cover LetterReply Brief |
Marie-Helene Bailinson |
30 |
01/08/25 |
Order No. 27,092 Denying Office of the Consumer Advocate's Motion for Reconsideration |
31 |
01/21/25 |
Donald M. Kreis |
NO. |