
The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (the NH PUC) has general jurisdiction over New Hampshire electric, natural gas, water, and sewer utilities, with limited jurisdiction over telecommunications. Its mission is to ensure that the New Hampshire public utilities it regulates provide safe, reliable, and adequate service at just and reasonable rates.

Regulated Residential Electric Rates $/MWh
Company Customer Charge Supply Transmission Distribution Other Total Electric Rate
Eversource $ 15.00 (Fixed) $ 89.29 $ 37.44 $ 62.85 $ 10.28 $ 199.86
Liberty $ 14.74  (Fixed) $ 84.16 $ 36.35 $ 60.39 - $ 5.00 $ 175.90
Unitil $ 16.22  (Fixed) $ 86.16 $ 30.90 $ 46.12 $ 22.72 $ 185.90
The rates are effective 2/1/2025
A typical residential consumer consumes between 0.60 to 0.65 MWh in a month.
New Hampshire ratepayers can choose between default service, third party suppliers as well as community power aggregators when available for power supply.

Third-party Provider Electric Supply Rates by Company & Community Power Aggregation Electric Supply Rates by Municipality or Town

The information above has been provided by the competitive energy suppliers. The NH PUC is not responsible for the accuracy of the information.

Recent Orders
27,099 01/31/25 DG 24-098 Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty 2025-2026 Local Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing, Order on LDAC Rates
27,098 01/28/25 DW 23-101 Pennichuck East Utility, Inc., Pittsfield Aqueduct Company and Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. Joint Petition for the Approval of a Consolidation of Pennichuck East Utility, Inc. and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company with Pennichuck Water Works, Inc., Order Approving Merger Agreement and Consolidated Rates
27,097 01/27/25 DE 24-118 Town of Hollis Request for Approval of Hollis Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan, Commission Approval of Community Power Aggregation Plan
27,096 01/24/25 DE 24-112 Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy Petition for Adjustment of Stranded Cost Recovery Charge for Effect on February 1, 2025, Order Nisi Approving Adjustment to Stranded Cost Recovery Charge on Partially-Provisional Basis
27,095 01/22/25 DG 24-103 Northern Utilities, Inc. Petition for Approval of Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factor and Waiver of Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Cap, Order Approving Northern’s RDAF Rates and Denying Northern’s Motion to Waive the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Cap
27,094 01/16/25 DE 24-101 Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy and New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. Joint Petition to Alter Franchise Boundaries in the Town of Landaff, Revised Order Approving Petition
27,093 01/16/25 DE 24-065 Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. 2024 Default Service Solicitations, Order Nisi Approving Energy Service Rates

Recent Orders of Notice

21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10,
Concord, N.H. 03301-2429

Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Directions to NHPUC
Additional Parking

Walker Building
Phone: (603) 271-2431
Fax: (603) 271-3878
TDD Access-Relay NH:
Consumer Assistance:

E-mail address: puc@puc.nh.gov

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An Official Web Site for New Hampshire Government